Hondo Mesa Records recording artist
Joanne Shenandoah (new CD,
Bitter Tears - Sacred Ground) is in Australia. She sends her regards and the following:

Hello All,
We are 30 miles from the fires - really a sad tale here with the death toll. It was so hot the other day one could not breath
outside. It was like being in the Sierra Nevada dessert - the air conditioning went and we had our windows
rolled down anyway - blowing in the hottest air ever. (not mention our brakes went after that!). 110 Degrees.
Anyhow the words "Global Warming" continually ring on the lips of everyone.
The weather now dropped about 40 degrees and it is much cooler. Doug and I took the train to the bay and
got to walk along the beach one morning. We have been meeting a lot of folks herein the city and it is
very multicultural. They gave us a beautiful 2 bedroom suite/apt overlooking the city and its really lovely with a kitchen
living room, washerdryer and dishwasher. Everyone is very welcoming and kind.
The aboriginees are very warm and rather wonderful. It took a while to find them, but the were sooo welcoming and
sang us songs and did a ceremony for us yesterday which was amazing. One of the elders
called "Uncle Reg" gave Doug a huge digereedoo and the women some music sticks. We ate out ranch which is
completely environmental oriented with wind, solar and organic gardens. Last night we had dinner along the Yarrow
river at the Director of the Parliament's home which was amazing scenery, with Parrots, magpies, cockatoo's and bats!
Our other Dakota and Navajo guests actually tried the kangaroo and crocodile..eee gads. They hang every where
in the markets and it's rather unnerving. The fruits and vegetables are plenty however, and absolutely beautiful!
Today we have a long planning meeting for the Parliament meeting of the Worlds Religions next December
and then we pack up and come home. It is Tuesday morning here and Monday for
you. We are just getting acclimated.
We look forward to debriefing -back in the states!
That's all for now mates!
Jo and Doug